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History of Goju-Ryu Seishikan
Chojun Miyagi
Chojun Miyagi was born in 1888. He started Karate at age nine under Ryuko Aragaki, who introduced him at fourteen to Kanryo Higashionna.
In 1915, he travelled to China where he studied Pa kua and Shaolin, combining these into his style, which in 1929 was named Goju Ryu.
Meitoku Yagi
Meitoku Yagi was born in 1912 and started Karate at the age of fourteen, training under Miyagi Sensei. Miyagi Sensei was impressed with his dedication and taught him all of the Goju Kata.
After Miyagi Sensei's death, he started his own school and called it Goju Ryu Meibukan.
Kancho Heiji Tada
Born in Uji City, Kyoto in 1925, Kancho (Grandmaster) Heiji Tada trained in his early years under Sensei Gogen Yamaguchi. He eventually met Sensei Meitoku Yagi and began training under him.
In 1949, following the Second World War, Kanjo Heiji Tada started his own organisation to help build up the spirit of the Japanese people. He called this organisation "Seishikan". When asked to describe the meaning of the name he offered the following explanation; "Sei means truth. Shi means will. Kan means house or school. So this school is a House to bring up the True Will".
Kancho Heiji Tada's messge for the future; "It is important to respect others as a foundation of living because you cannot buy respect". Kancho Heiji Tada was our leader until his death.
Kancho Shohei Tada
Kancho Shohei Tada was born in 1934 and began his training as a young teenager. Following the death of his brother, Kancho Shohei Tada assumed control of Seishikan Japan. Under his tutelage and guidance we continued to grow our style of Karate.
Australian students visiting and training in Japan fondly remember him as the face of the Hombu Dojo, always eagerly awaiting their arrival to the Dojo with a never ending supply of tea and rice crackers.
Kancho Shohei Tada retired in 2019.

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