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Who We Are

The Smithfield Dojo is an active member of the Australian Karate Federation (AKF) and the New South Wales Karate Federation.

What we teach is a fully accredited style of Martial Art. Our Black Belts are issued from Japan and all Instructors hold a Level 1 Coaching Accreditation.
What you will learn is traditional Goju-Ryu Karate, taught by instructors who have trained for many years and have been involved in tournaments.

Mount Fuji

Shihan George Wilson

Chief Instructor

Deputy President NSW Karate Federation

Australian Karate Federation Referee

Shihan George has been training since 1967. In 1982, the late John Newman appointed George as Seishikan Club manager. George rose through the black belt ranks. After he notified Kancho Heiji Tada of John Newman's death, George was requested by Kancho to keep Seishikan active and alive. Shihan George has carried out this request until this present time.


Sempai Nikolas Ojvan

Assistant Instructor

Nikolas is a San Dan (third Dan) Black Belt and has been training since 2008. Nikolas assists Shihan George in the Dojo and holds a Level One National Coaching Accreditation. 


Sempai Loana Hoang

Assistant Instructor

Loana is a Ni Dan (second Dan) Black Belt and has been training since 2003. Loana assists Shihan George in the Dojo and holds a Level One National Coaching Accreditation.


The Seishikan Dojo was founded by the late John Newman M.P. in February 1971.
John was the head of Seishikan and continually taught at the Dojo until his untimely death in September 1994.

During this period John was promoted in rank to Roku Dan (6th Dan) black belt. John was also the president of the Australian Karate Federation for fifteen years.

Our Founder

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